Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What are ways that the government uses internet that we agree or disagree with?

I agree and disagree with how the Government uses internet to spy on "citizens" of America. I found an article of the "4 ways government is spying on americans everyday." The article actually makes it seem like the Government is being to inconspicuous and intrusive. When really, the government is using these ways to look for suspects of terrorism while keeping us safe. The government uses "fusion centers", which is how the DHS would work between the federal intelligence agencies and local law enforcement. The current government does not seem to support this center but in all reality, I think it's good to have a center devoted to just spying. One way I might not completely agree on is the Cell phone GPS accessed by the government. Cellular networks have GPS on all cell phones because that is how phones are connected to the service towers. Now, the government is asking for permission to that. If they get the access to everyone's cellphone, they will know where you are going and when, at all times. I understand they are mainly using this to catch suspects but that truly feels like an outright invasion of privacy. I would argue that is crossing their boundaries.

Wyss, James. "PolicyMic." PolicyMic. N.p., 09 Oct. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013.


  1. I completely agree with what you said about the boundaries being hard to define. Although much of what agencies claim to partake in can be viewed as national security, I still think the government lacks the transparency required to truly be a democracy. "For security" is a easy excuse for government officials to avoid disclosure of information regarding what their underlying intentions are.

  2. This is a hard and controversial issue since it is pertaining to the security of the country as well as of the privacy of its citizens. The question is if the national security of the country is worth the limited privacy of its citizens.

  3. It's hard to draw a line on what is necessary for the government to know and what is not. I wonder if they will have to request for permission to "break in" on a person's phone privacy and location.

  4. I believe the government should have full access to all technology. If you are not doing anything wrong or illegal you shouldn't have to worry about the government invading your privacy. They are using this access because they have become suspicious of something or that person has committed a crime.

  5. Definitely could see how this could make even the 'innocent' citizens feel like we are living in a 'not so free' country. Especially, with the how the internet is being used for everything now a days, makes it feel like we are being exposed to everything! What is private anymore?

  6. I think that while it may seem like a good idea for the government to have access to all technology simply based on the fact that if you're not doing anything wrong then it shouldn't bother you, the idea itself invades everyone's privacy. This would mean that no one would have any sense of privacy whatsoever, the government would know exactly where you are at all times and even though they may not be using that information, it is almost sickening to think that we literally will not be able to do anything without someone "watching over us".

  7. I agree that the government should have access to technology. Information that is gained from technology is very beneficial to the government and therefore it's citizens. The boundaries that separate them from knowing our full movements should be put into place. I know that it should not bother me if am not doing anything wrong, but it makes me uncomfortable that they can know where I am at anytime. I like the idea of them of protecting us from threats but I cannot seem to stop a shiver going down my spine when I consider that they can see me at this very moment from my computer camera.
